new synthetically accessible compounds found using M1 Platform
Approximate number of known compounds
unexplored but scientifically possible chemical compounds
up to 10^60
The Loop
to boldly go where no chemist has gone before
Solve your toughest chemistry problems by leveraging our unique capability of combining AI with high-throughput experimentation laboratory. Discover novel chemical knowledge to access faster relevant to you molecules.
We engage in custom projects such as:
1. Finding novel conditions optimized for your setting
2. Peforming large scale experiments from 10,000s to 100,000s reactions
3. Support in the development of DNA Encoded Libraries
4. Predicting conditions and synthesis plan for execution in automated laboratories
The Vision: SpaceM1
Our ultimate goal is to build SpaceM1: a large and unique space of molecules that have fully accurate recipe for rapid synthesis.
We believe that the future of chemistry is automation combined with best-in-class deep learning. The two trends of advancements in automatization and AI are coming together and offer unprecedented opportunity to make chemistry faster and cheaper.
As part of this journey, we are in the process of automating some of the most impactful chemical reactions. In the process, we explore exciting and novel reaction classes and conditions. In 2024 and 2025 (see also our Grant) we plan to execute approximately 800,000 chemical reactions in 8 reaction classes. AI models trained on the resulting data will be able to predict full synthesis plans for a wide range of molecules that belong to SpaceM1.
We are always on the lookout for the right partners for this vision, please feel free to reach out.